Native Flower Funeral Ceremony Arrangement


A mix of in season native blooms funeral ceremony arrangement serves as a poignant tribute, symbolising love, grace, and admiration for the departed. Its tender hues convey a sense of peace and comfort to grieving hearts.

All our arrangements come in 3 sizes.

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

  • Greeting Cards *

    Fox & Fallow Cards – Happy Birthday $7.95
    Fox & Fallow Cards – With Sympathy $7.95
    Fox & Fallow Cards – Thank you $7.95
    Fox & Fallow Cards – New Baby Girl $7.95
    Fox & Fallow Cards – New Baby Boy $7.95
    Fox & Fallow Cards – Blank Card – All Occasions $7.95
Native Flower Funeral Ceremony Arrangement$150.00$350.00
Greeting Cards
Greeting Cards -

Flower total

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